Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Nero, Caligula,...Rascal?

My friend Paul, a bright gent with impeccable taste, was admiring our blog recently. “I’d love to have a blog, but Jeez, it seems like so much work to keep it up!” he said (a rough paraphrase). I assured him that it was a breeze for me because Jen does most of the work. She and I more or less split the writing, and she is responsible for 95% of the photographs and the layout. No sweat!

You’re probably wondering where this is going. Well, as a matter of fact, I just don’t have time to write much this week, but it happens to be my turn to contribute an entry, so I’m hacking out a couple of paragraphs so the blog stays "fresh" (insert smiley face). After coming back from vacation, I started back to work at the Faculty of Education and have been swamped with (shudder) paperwork. Mid-term exams were put off until January this semester, so I have had to create, then administer, and then grade 64 examinations. I know what you're thinking...
“Call a waaaaambulance!”

I’m not complaining, I’m explaining (insert another smiley face). In addition, my exhaustive, multi-paged report to the "bigwigs" was due last week instead of the end of the month as I had somehow dreamed.

So that’s my story. As for lovely Jen, she went back to work today. She likes it.
Oh. There have been a series of uproarious canine orgies (the kind all but stamped out in America) on our block this week that rival anything seen in ancient Rome. The main culprit is a rakish mutt we call “Rascal” who sports a little doggie beard to go with his devil-may-care attitude, and his…

Jeez (slaps forehead)! I could have written the whole damn entry about this!

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